18 noviembre 2009


i hate when people call themselves "nerd".
it is like trying to show to others that one is secretly very intelligent under a thin cover of pretending to be proud of the name used by others to belittle oneself.
it is like the step the gay movement took time ago when that name was derogatory in order to claim a identity they didnt reject, mind you, they were proud of.
but it doesnt work as well in this case because, usually what happens is that those who call themselves nerds are to busy faking they being a nerd to actually behave like one.
a nerd doesnt care about that. a nerd is, and doesnt say it. a nerd is something that others call him or her and that he or she knows but doesnt complain about it because he or she just doesnt give a sh*, he or she basically doesnt need to boast what he or she is. it is not something that will include him or her in a category. actually, probably he or she doesnt really understand the concept of nerd because it is too artificial for the thing they really, naturally, genuinely are.

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