02 noviembre 2009

the best feeling ever

the best feeling ever. or one of the top ten, is when you experience that thrill that makes you wanna do everything and more at the same time. and that time is now. but you know is going to take you longer than that. so, you experience a sort of frustration but also a strong desire to live longer enough to do all those amazing things you have already planned in your mind beforehand. the amazing minute you are living is a premonition of the unwrapped future that is awaiting for you. and not just that: it is even better because it is in your hands the possibility of making it come true. that is scary but now, then, at that precise moment you know you have the strenght, will and time ahead to do all what you want. and you think, and you know, you are going to.
your life is still at its dawn, you are a new born and you hope is afresh, ready to make anything and everything because you belive in magic, because magic is in your hands, because the only magic is your feeling and that feeling is you.

6 comentarios:

Armelle dijo...

Once again, you summed up perfectly my view of life. I think it's amazing that we have such a connection :)
But sometimes the feeling fails. I mean that I just feel that way but never get to do those amazing things because the idea I got of them is too great to be the same once it actually happens. Do you know what I mean (I know it's a bit confusing)?

Irene Domingo dijo...

of course i understand what you mean, that is actually what happens to me too. and thst what i like the feeling and i wrote about the feeling and said it is a frustrating feeling as well. but at the same time that is what makes it (sadly maybe in some way) so great: because it is infinite, always bigger than whatever will come true.
but yes, it is sad. like i wanna travel all over the world or do so many things with my time and then...no, it doesnt happen.

Unknown dijo...

Yeah, I often have this problem too :) I think that I want to do everything--travel the world, and decorate my house, and write important books, and some days anything seems possible...and then I become very scared we only have one lifetime and so few hours in the day....and then I get discouraged.....

Irene Domingo dijo...

yeah, thats it. but for me is more sort of a thing of a second. and in that second i feel so very extremely strong and then its like "oh irene, you are so naive", you will probably just live a normal life, a nice one, a happy one but still, you wont feel that strong feeling because it only comes when you dream about doing it ALL and that is impossible, sadly.

Anónimo dijo...

Curioso que lo menciones, hace algunas semanas que le doy vueltas al tema de que siempre me va a faltar tiempo para hacer todo lo que quiero hacer... idea que en principio me entristece; por otra parte, la otra opción es que me fuera a sobrar tiempo, y eso sí me parecería tristísimo. Así que ¡nada de frustración! Afortunadamente, me va a faltar tiempo.
Por cierto, ¿no te pasa lo mismo en las bibliotecas? ¡Tanto por leer y saber que no podré leerlo todo, ni siquiera todo lo que merece la pena! Pero, claro, mucho peor sería que llegara el día en que no hubiera nada nuevo bueno por leer.


Irene Domingo dijo...

si, cara, me parece genial lo que dices, tienes toda la razón y sí, también me ocurre en las bibliotecas, pero por eso mismo es el mejor sentimiento, a pesar de ser uno de frustración, exactamente por lo que tú dies: qué horrible sería no experimentarlo: que te sobrara tiempo o que tus ganas nunca se vieran colmadas!